People around the world are confronted with serious shortage of fresh water. W 合理遥雅思写作机经一:分类 可将近年的写作机经按话题进行分类,整理相关的表达方式和理由素材。如环境话题,会涉及到环境保护谁来负责,个人、公司、遥还是国 Topic8 支持或者反对太空探索 支持 26、导致地球承载压力加大 Result in the usable space to shrink 27 雅思小作文满分标准要点 1 ---- Task Achievement 1.fully satisfies all the requirements of vandalism - eg: Tourism undermines cluture by commercializing it and this is 1. cultural insights 文化视角 2. learn about the would 了解世界 3. a thrill ing expe squander/dissipate/lavish/misspend/throw away/waste -eg: Dont squander your t Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people i reality and fantasy - loss discerment between reality and fantasy; ensnare indigenous/native/original - eg: Indians were the indigenous inhabitants of A