Part II English to ChinesePara 1Dear friends, on 9 October 2017, the Taliban sho 如今,越来越多的遥年轻人选择不再步入婚姻殿堂,转而专注于自己的事业,就算遥也不结婚。为什么年轻人对婚姻望而却步?来听听英国小哥方丹的看法。By Greg F Part 1 Dialogue InterpretingEN: Mr. Mei, thank you for doing this interview with 4,the+形容词较高遥,有时会包含让步的意义,可译为“哪怕是”“即使”如:The shortest cut would take us 30 minutes Reader question:Please explain “touched a nerve” in this: “There was one speech Reader question:Please explain “sandwich generation”, as in “a member of China’s Reader question:Please explain this headline: Bus strike is a ‘slap in the face’ Howard Goldblatt(中文名葛浩文),美国遥的汉学家,是2017年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言作品的英文译者。他翻译了包括萧红、白先勇、杨绛、冯骥才、贾平 Reader question:Please explain this sentence: Faced with criticism, he dug his h Reader question:Please explain this sentence, particularly “fat of the land”: Mo