Lot;大量 场地 parking lot Figure:遥 数字,数据p15,4 Paper:遥 essay, thesis 纸 试卷 同学们对于记忆的培养很重要。记有两种形式,一是用脑记,二是用手记。人的脑力是有时间局限的,超出一定的时间,信息就会弱化,甚至消失。因此,训练作笔录能力大有好 1.bill 账单,买单。 I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it. 这 Chinese place中餐馆 Italian place意式餐厅 pub酒吧 bar酒吧 inn小旅馆,小客栈 snack food小吃 s The hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback this week in the as a matter of fact - in fact ,to speak the truth as a rule - generally ;norm 书店 book store 杂货铺 drugstore 百货商店 department store 商店 grocery store 超市 supe Its an index shows the income and popularity of the movies. A little out of t reading room 阅览室 reference room参考书阅览室 periodical room期刊阅览室 copier复印机 study 2、表动作,穿越。 You must go across the bridge and then turn right. 你必须先过桥,然后再往右拐。