1、电影。较常见用语。 2、胶卷。 ran out of film 胶卷用完;a roll of film 一卷胶卷;develop the film冲 练习方法也很有讲究。一定要以句子为单位进行听写。 根据练习的不同目的,听写练习可分为两个层次: 1.练习信息概括能力和表达能力 指听写句子时,不要求完 front desk 前台 employee雇员 employer 雇主 interview 面试 interviewer 面试官 intervi 纵横字谜,一种填字游戏。既可以entertain oneself,也是一种不错的智力训练。 This is not a game. Its only a 62) through 通过 thorough 遥的 though 尽管 thought think 过去分词 63) purpose 目的 s 3. as well 也 If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the 打网球 to play tennis 网球场 tennis court 美式足球 football 篮球 basketball 英式足球 socce 战争片 war film 恐怖片 horror film 惊险片 thriller film 动画片 cartoon 喜剧 comedy 遥片 原文: W: Ive got to buy a new car. M: Really? Q: What does the woman mean? 选 boss 老板 secretary 秘书 front desk 前台 employee雇员 employer 雇主 interview 面试 i