1. Did I make myself clear enough? 我都说明白了吗? 2. Are you with me? 都明白了吧? 3. Yo Eric: For a long time, I've been considering my future life. 很长一段时间,我都在考虑 Promise Yourself 遥自己(1)Christian D Larson 克里斯蒂安·D 拉尔森To be so strong that nothi Why is there no water coming out when you turn on the faulcet?Not even a single I want to buy an airconditioner.Is this washing machine automatic or semi-automa FORRESTHello. My name‘s Forrest Gump.He opens a box of chocolates and holds it o 1. You are the boss.你是老板(你说了算)。2. You have the conn.你说了算。Conn本来是“掌舵”的意思,后来被当作名词用 201.It‘s not as good as it could be. 这本应该会更好的。202.The United States is not as gr 口语:“牙齿问题”“遥不是病,疼起来真要命”,相信很多受过蛀牙、智齿折磨的人对那种“吃不下、睡不着”的痛苦都记忆深刻,遥我们就来学习一下在英语中如何表达这些 有一天早上,我到公司的办公室去复印一叠文件,复印完毕后,正要步出办公室的时候,忽然想起来较后那一张原件还在复印机内尚未取出,我转身回去取那张文件时,口中念念有词