第二十三篇: There are various ways in which individual economic units can interact 第44篇: Personality is to large extent inherent. A-type parents usually bring A Passage Five How could faith beget such evil? After hundreds of members of a 什么叫假读呢?首先要讲讲我经过长期研究后发现的英语阅读中的母语转移现象。我们的大脑在阅读外语时有一个顽固的习惯,就是顽固地把一切读进来的英语单词都统统转化成 The promise of finding long-term technological solutions to the problem of wor Federal Reserve System, central banking system of the United States, popularly 61 on the average平均 62.aware of意识到,知道 63. at the back of在后面 64. in the 36. We learn from the passage that olestra is a substance that_______. A) con 同义转换的正确选项: 一、同义词 二、句式 三、双重否定 错误选项特征: 一、遥对的 二、长得像的断章取义 三、跨段 四、难词杯遥蛇影 3 网上遥查分: 网址: cet.99sushe.com 运营商:99宿舍网 客服电话: 010-58699163转867 收费遥查分: 遥移动