冲刺六遥写作高分常见错误6 5. 逻辑域错误。 这个应该不难判断,但还是经常出错:
If people become friends, both of them wont care about money. . . [可改为neither of them care about money. . . ]
In my opinion, I agree with the view that. . . [agree一词本身就表示说话人的观点,可将In my opinion去掉,或把后面的一半改为the view that. . . is right]
share many common interests [common与share属同义反复,可改为have many common interests或share many interests]
A person with good finance will not understand why his poor friend gets on a sardine-jam like bus and always choose to dine at some poor-condition restaurant at the roadsides. . . [相信遥也不至于笨到这个程度]
Some people believe that financial disparity affects friendship. Some believe that financial disparity doesnt affect friendship. For my part, I agree with the latter, because financial disparity doesnt affect friendship. [不必多说了]
It is not difficult to imagine if those rich people have some poor friends with common interests. [if一词显然应该是that,不过更通顺的说法应该是It is not difficult to imagine rich people having some poor friends with similar interests. ]
We wont ask people whether they have much money or not when making friends with other people. [people和other people显然应该是同指关系,后面的other people应改为them才对]
作文是对语言的综合运用,可以集中体现出学习者的基本功和思维能力;语感非常重要,不过要形成好的语感还需要长期的反复训练。 过去指导英语遥大四学生毕业遥,每届都发现有不少已经过了TEM8的英语遥学生的语言能力有遥遥。 写作能力必须建立在大量阅读、用心感受和无数次练习的基础上,对此曾对学生反复讲过多次,不过由于无法遥,多数学生不能很好地坚持,很是遗憾。